Travel Grant Application

Applications are due in the semester in which you have returned from your travel. If travel is completed between semesters, a two-week grace period will be granted. 

Application deadlines: | S24: August 31, 2024 | F24: December 31, 2024 | W25: April 30, 2025

Step 1 of 5

Any travel not approved by your college will not be considered for this bursary.

Travel grants are awarded to students seeking financial support for traveling opportunities, which serve to enhance their academic and professional profile. Interested applicants must be member of the GSA during the semester of travel. Once a complete application has been received, the GSA Finance Committee will review it, and successful applications may be eligible for up to $500.00 or 30% of non-funded costs. Applicants may receive funding only once per degree for Master’s students and twice per degree for PhD students. Successful applicants will be notified within approximately 30 days of the application deadline. The GSA Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing the applications and awarding any funding.


  1. Students applying for a Travel Grant must be attending a conference for academic purposes or travelling for research related purposes. The student’s name must appear on the conference* agenda, other official document, or for research-related travel, be accompanied by a letter from the advisor or department (this must be on University letterhead with a signature and position), outlining the purpose of travel.
  2. Grants will be awarded to students whose trip require the greatest financial outlay and are not based on a first-come/first-serve policy.
  3. Only travel, accommodation, and registration (applicable for conferences) costs will be considered. The GSA will not reimburse for meal costs.
  4. The graduate student must be registered during the semester of application and during the semester of travel.
  5. A boarding pass is required for air travel. If alternate modes of transportation are used (e.g., bus or train), proof must be submitted with the application in the form of a ticket and/or receipt.
  6. Proof of attendance is required, such as an agenda, brochure, name tag, etc. Please specify if you would like this returned after the audit process.

*The term “conference” will be applied as broadly as possible to allow students from all faculties to apply for this grant.


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